
WeatherMap+ view how weather conditions change over time for your area and weather around the world!

If you have any questions or feature requests, please contact me at [email protected].
I will try to help you as soon as I can!

Swipe to change the forecast time (in your local time)
time slider

Click on arrow to change weather layer
weather layer

All layers - basic overview of cloudiness, precipitation, temperature, wind speed and pressure in a singe view
Temperature Wind barbs Clouds cover Precipitation Pressure


Wind speed
Wind speed

Atmospheric pressure
Atmospheric pressure

Wind barbs:

symbol/knots m/s km/h
0-2 kt 0-2 m/s 0-4 km/h
3-7 kt 2-4 m/s 5-13 km/h
8-12 kt 4-6 m/s 14-22 km/h
13-17 kt 7-9 m/s 23-31 km/h
18-22 kt 9-11 m/s 32-41 km/h
23-27 kt 12-14 m/s 42-50 km/h
28-32 kt 15-17 m/s 51-59 km/h
33-37 kt 17-19 m/s 62-69 km/h
38-42 kt 19-21 m/s 70-78 km/h
43-47 kt 22-24 m/s 79-87 km/h
48+ kt 25+ m/s 88+ km/h

Precipitation, cloudiness:

Cloudiness 25%
Cloudiness 50%
Cloudiness 75%
Cloudiness 100%
Precipitation 0.01 - 0.50 mm/3h
Precipitation 0.50 - 0.70 mm/3h
Precipitation 0.70 - 1.00 mm/3h
Precipitation 1 - 2 mm/3h
Precipitation 2 - 3 mm/3h
Precipitation 3 - 4 mm/3h
Precipitation 4 - 6 mm/3h
Precipitation 6 - 12 mm/3h
Precipitation 12mm/3h +